Tree Trimming and Pruning

Pruning your trees is important to maintain a healthy structure and to promote their continued growth. Pruning takes away the dead branches which creates room for new growth and allows nutrients to be directed where they are most needed – to the living portions. Arborists are trained to remove branches in a controlled way and preventing property damage. Proper pruning and trimming can increase the flower and fruit production as well as increase the curb-appeal of your property.

  • Arborists look for dead or dying branches injured by storms, disease, animals, insect infestation, or other damage.
  • Dead or weakened branches put people at risk because of the chance that they may break and fall when you least expect it.
  • We can control size and shape of your trees
  • Increase your property value by creating a desirable curb-appeal
  • Reduce risk of additional property damage or bodily injury by hiring a professional
  • Prune branches that overhang homes, parking areas, sidewalks, play areas and any place that falling limbs could cause bodily injuries and property damage

A common recommendation on when to prune your trees is late fall or winter when most trees are dormant. Really, anytime of the year is typically fine if trimming is done correctly. Pruning your trees is like getting a haircut. You don’t want just anyone chopping off branches. It takes a professional to know where to cut and how much to cut to create a tree canopy that is not only attractive, but also healthy. Tree care experts use equipment designed to cleanly prune trees that won’t leave lasting damage to these majestic plants. Give your trees new life today – call the experts at Poulin Tree to do your pruning and trimming.

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